Kłodzko - www.klodzko.pl

A basic prerequisite for the functioning of a several-thousand-strong garrison in the fortress were large military headquarters prepared for the fortress garrison. Forty military headquarters buildings were prepared along the city wall for this purpose. In peacetime, soldiers lived in specially prepared apartments divided into two rooms and kitchens.  Five soldiers were allocated to one apartment. One of them lived in the military headquarters with a wife and children. One larger room was prepared for the soldier’s family. The smaller one for the remaining four soldiers who were often foreigners.

Due to a major problem of desertion in the Prussian army, a soldier living in the headquarters was in charge of watching his four colleagues being treated as a potential deserter from time to time. His wife was a housewife who kept the headquarters in order, cleaned and cooked meals for soldiers in time of peace. She received a substantial remuneration of 4 thalers a month for this job

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informacja o dofinansowaniu z UE

Projekt "Budowa innowacyjnych e-usług w Gminie Miejskiej Kłodzko" współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego Województwa Dolnośląskiego na lata 2014-2020 oraz budżetu Gminy Miejskiej Kłodzko

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